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WebAR Rugs

Retailing the Right Rugs


Have you ever found yourself buying a home decor item only to return it when you realize that it either isn’t in the right size or doesn’t fit your home’s color scheme? You’re not the only one.


A 2019 consumer study with participants from the U.S., UK. France, Germany, and Australia revealed that consumers’ main reason for returning an item was incorrect size, fit, or colouring. This is followed by items arriving broken, and how items are not as depicted in descriptions or product photos.


For online retailers of rugs and other interior decor items, these reasons reflect why customers often return the item they purchased. However, the study results show that 2 out of 3 main reasons consumers return items can be entirely preventable with 3D and augmented reality product models.

Decrease Returns, Increase Sales


If you want to lower the instances of product returns for your online floor rug shop, using augmented reality can help. Using augmented reality provides a twofold benefit: giving customers 3D images to inspect and augmenting those images into their own spaces.


With 3D images, customers can interact with your rugs’ pictures by rotating them and looking at them from different angles. This allows them to see every aspect of the rug so they’re not surprised or disappointed by a detail once it arrives. Augmented reality, meanwhile, helps them visualize the rug in their space using true to life measurements.


As a company providing augmented reality services for e-commerce business owners, Capchella WebAR is ready to help you turn your rugs into 3D and augmented reality models. With this capability, your customers can see your products in AR right from their mobile devices’ web browsers.


Don’t let competition step over you on the race to innovation. Implement augmented reality rug models today with the help of Capchella WebAR.


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